Things to help you relax

Taking a Bath:

-Add bubbles to your bath. They help keep the water warm for a long time because they act as an insulator.

-Taking a warm bath before you go to sleep will help you fall asleep faster. Your core body temperatur drops when you get out of the tub, and that tells your brain it's time for sleep.

Rosey Bath Recipe

-2 cups rose water

-1 cup rose petals

3 drops rose essential oil

Fill your bathtub with warm water. Add the rose water and oil to the water and sprinkle the petals on top.


Scents for Moods:

If you are feeling...

Anxious or Stressed - Take a whiff of green apple or cucumber. Both will help calm and settle your mind.

Confused - Take a whiff of jasmine. This floral scent will help you focus.

Sad or Down - Take a whiff of baked cookies. The sweet aroma will bring back happy memories which will help elevate your mood.

Lonely or Scared - Take a whiff of baby powder. It has a comforting effect.

Sleepless - Take a whiff of vanilla. Its soothing scent will help you unwind and relax quickly.

Lethargic or Tired - Take a whiff of peppermint or cinnamon. They'll give you energy.



Problem: If you are tired in the morning... Solution: Try letting the sun in. Your natural cycle just isn't in sync with the rest of your day. But if you open your curtains as soon as your alarm rings, the light can help you reset your brain so you'll feel awake.

Problem: If you keep waking up... Solution: Listen to music. TV's light stimulates your brain and prevents you from resting well. Turn it off al least an hour before you go to bed, and listen to the same calming song each night instead.

Problem: If your mind races... Solution: Keep a journal. Writing down all the things you're worried about or want to remember to do will help you let go of the anxiety.



Step 1 -Breathe Deeply. Inhale deeply for five seconds, inflating your stomach like a balloon, then exhale for twice as long. Focusing on your breathing helps tune out distractions and slows your heart rate, so you produce less of the stress hormone adrenaline. Breathing slowly through your nose -- not your mouth-- alos helps reduce stress. Continue as you follow steps 2 and 3

Step 2 -Visualize Peace. Close your eyes and think of a place that makes you feel happy and calm. Envision as many details as possible -- the sights, the sounds. The positive associations you have with this place will help lower blood pressure and your levels of cortisol, another stress hormone.

Step 3 -Pick a Mantra. Continue doing steps 1 and 2. Silently repeat a calming statement. Try "I am peaceful." While your conscious mind is focused on breathing and visualization, your subconscious is absorbing this mantra. Soon you'll actually believe it.


Pamper Your Feet:

Warm Pumpkin Foot Mask - Place 4 oz. of canned pumpkin (it has vitamin A and C to help heal dry, cracked skin) in a covered dish and microwave for about a minute. Add 1 tablespoon of olive oil to the pumpkin, then blend the mixture until it forms a thick, creamy paste. Apply to the tops and bottoms of your feet, then wrap them in plastic wrap. To make the treatment even more effective, warm two hand towels in the dryer for 5 minutes, then wrap the warm towels around the plastic wrap (the heat helps the ingredients in the mask penetrate your skin). Leave the mask on for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Fruit Enzyme Foot Soak - Put 2 cups of pineapple chunks and 2 cups of papaya chunks in a blender and blend until it's mushy. Heat 2 cups of whole milk in a pot over low heat until it's steaming but not boiling. Then combine the fruit (it has exfoliating enzymes) and warm milk (a natural skin softener) in a container large enough to fit your feet. Soak for 20 mintues, then rinse.